Event Driven Architectures
Testing & Quality
Component Test Framework
Case Studies
Event Driven Architectures
Testing & Quality
Component Test Framework
Case Studies
Technical articles by the team
Event Driven & Kafka
Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot
Lydtech's Udemy course
Introduction to Kafka with Spring Boot
covers everything from the core concepts of messaging and Kafka through to step by step code walkthroughs to build a fully functional Spring Boot application that integrates with Kafka. Put together by our team of Kafka and Spring experts, this course is the perfect introduction to using Kafka with Spring Boot.
Micronaut (1 of 6): Framework Features
In-depth guide to using Micronaut - part one uncovers the main framework features
Application Logging & Alerting With Graylog (1 of 2): Introduction
An overview of application logging and alerting with Graylog.
KafkaJS: Integration Testing With Testcontainers
Demonstrating integration testing a KafkaJS Typescript application using Testcontainers and Docker.
Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 1: Introduction
Setting up a monitoring and alerting stack consisting of Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager.
Kafka Streams Windowing - Overview
An Overview of the windowing types for Kafka Streams
Simple! We’ll just dead-letter it
Exploring the implications of using Dead Letter Topics (DLT) in the context of Apache Kafka for failed messages.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 1: Introduction to Kubernetes
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 1 of 3): providing an introduction to Kubernetes, minikube and kubectl.
Authentication and Authorisation using OIDC and OAuth 2. Part 1: A Primer
An introduction into the world of Authentication and Authorisation
Size Matters
Why thinking small throughout the software development lifecycle can result in big returns.
Schemaless Database Considerations
Schemaless database considerations and the impact on application code.
Build Only What You Need - Part 1 - Development
We review the reasons we try to add functionality beyond what is required, and the costs of doing this.
Kafka Poison Pill
What is a poison pill in the context of Apache Kafka? What are the effects and how can they be prevented?
Automated Testing: Don't Put It Off
The costs of delaying automated testing.
Kafka Consumer Auto Offset Reset
Configuring from where in a topic partition a new consumer should first consume messages.
The Hidden Cost of AWS Lambdas
Some observations on running PoC & early stage applications in AWS.
Should You Draw It? (Yes You Should!)
Good development starts before a single line of code is written.
Three Key Principles For A Successful IT Project
Keep it simple, draw it out, test it early: three key principles that will contribute towards the success of an IT project.
Size Matters
Why thinking small throughout the software development lifecycle can result in big returns.
The Case for Automated Testing
Advantages and common pitfalls of automated testing.
Automated Testing: Don't Put It Off
The costs of delaying automated testing.
Testability Is An Architectural Choice
Consider testability when making technology decisions.
Preemptive Parallelism
Why you should bake parallelism into your E2E tests.
Balancing The Test Automation Pyramid
Lessons learned from balancing the test automation pyramid.
Integrating Flink with Kafka
Demonstrating connecting a Flink application to Kafka to consume, process, and produce Kafka events.
Kafka Connect: CDC with Debezium and MongoDB
Demonstrating Change Data Capture using Kafka Connect with Debezium and MongoDB.
Kafka Consumer Group Rebalance - The Next-Gen Protocol With Kafka 4.0
The changes and improvements of the next generation consumer group rebalance protocol with Kafka 4.0.
KafkaJS: Integration Testing With Testcontainers
Demonstrating integration testing a KafkaJS Typescript application using Testcontainers and Docker.
Kafka Streams Windowing - Spin it up with Kubernetes
Deploying the kafka streams windowing apps in Kubernetes
Kafka Streams Windowing - Tumbling Windows
A closer look at Tumbling Windows
Kafka Streams Windowing - Sliding Windows
A closer look at Sliding Windows
Kafka Streams Windowing - Overview
An Overview of the windowing types for Kafka Streams
Kafka Streams Windowing - Hopping Windows
A closer look at Hopping Windows
Kafka SASL Authentication: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating how to configure and use the SASL authentication mechanism to connect to Kafka.
Kafka Message Compression (2 of 2): Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating sending compressed messages to Kafka with Spring Boot.
Kafka Message Compression (1 of 2)
The impact and effectiveness of message compression when sending batches to Kafka.
Kafka Chaos Testing With Conduktor Gateway
Automating Kafka chaos testing using Conduktor Gateway.
Simple! We’ll just dead-letter it
Exploring the implications of using Dead Letter Topics (DLT) in the context of Apache Kafka for failed messages.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 3: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 3 of 3): deploying a Spring Boot application to Kubernetes that consumes and produces events from Kafka.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 2: Deploying Kafka
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 2 of 3): stepping through the deployment of Kafka and Zookeeper to Kubernetes.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 1: Introduction to Kubernetes
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 1 of 3): providing an introduction to Kubernetes, minikube and kubectl.
Kafka Keys, Partitions and Message Ordering
Uncovering how Kafka guarantees message ordering based on the relationship between message keys and topic partitions.
Kafka JSON Serialization
Demonstrating serialization and deserialization of JSON formatted Kafka messages using Spring Boot with Spring Kafka.
Kafka Connect: Transactional Outbox With Debezium: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating the Transactional Outbox pattern using Kafka Connect with Debezium for Change Data Capture.
Kafka Consumer Non-Blocking Retry Pattern
Demonstrating a generic non-blocking consumer retry pattern.
Kafka Consumer Non-Blocking Retry: Spring Retry Topics
Using Spring Kafka retry topics for non-blocking consumer retry.
Kafka Monitoring & Metrics: With Confluent Control Center
How to monitor a Kafka cluster using Confluent Control Center to provide a view on the key broker, topic, consumer and producer metrics.
Kafka Monitoring & Metrics: With Conduktor
How to monitor a Kafka cluster using Conduktor to provide a view on the key broker and topic metrics.
Kafka Replication & Min In-Sync Replicas
Looking at how Kafka replication provides high availability and fault tolerance, and the impact of min-sync replicas.
Kafka Schema Registry & Avro: Component Testing
Component testing an application with a Dockerised Kafka and Schema Registry, using Testcontainers and the Component Test Framework.
Kafka Schema Registry & Avro: Integration Testing
Integration testing the application using Spring Boot test, with the embedded Kafka broker and a wiremocked Schema Registry.
Kafka Poison Pill
What is a poison pill in the context of Apache Kafka? What are the effects and how can they be prevented?
Conduktor Platform & Kafka Component Testing
Using the Conduktor Platform as an aid to component testing a Kafka based application.
Kafka Schema Registry & Avro: Spring Boot Demo (2 of 2)
A deep dive into the Spring Boot application demo code that integrates with Kafka Schema Registry and uses Avro Serialization.
Kafka Schema Registry & Avro: Spring Boot Demo (1 of 2)
Showcasing a Spring Boot application integrating with Kafka Schema Registry and using Avro Serialization.
Kafka Schema Registry & Avro: Introduction
An introduction to using the Schema Registry with Kafka, and Apache Avro for message serialization.
Kafka Message Batch Consumer Retry
Uncovering the consumer retry behaviour when failures occur in the middle of processing a batch of messages.
Kafka Consume & Produce: At-Least-Once Delivery
Understanding the meaning and ramifications of the at-least-once delivery guarantees provided by Kafka.
Kafka Streams: Transactions & Exactly-Once Messaging
Achieving exactly-once messaging in a Kafka Streams application by utilising Kafka Transactions.
Kafka Topics: Fat Pipe Or Thin Pipe?
Investigating whether a topic should be used for more than one event type.
Kafka Consume & Produce: Testing
Comprehensive guide to unit, integration, and component testing a Kafka Spring Boot application.
Kafka Consume & Produce: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating Kafka message consume and produce with a Spring Boot application.
Kafka Streams: Testing
The tools available to comprehensively test a Kafka Streams application - before it reaches QA.
Kafka Streams: State Store
Understanding the role and usage of the state store in a stateful Kafka Streams application.
Kafka Streams: Spring Boot Demo
Showcasing Kafka Streams processing with a Spring Boot application.
Securing Kafka with Mutual TLS and ACLs
Securing a Kafka installation using a combination of mutual TLS and ACLs.
Kafka Streams: Introduction
A look at the usage and characteristics of the Kafka Streams API.
Kafka Consumer Group Rebalance - Part 2 of 2
The role and impact of consumer group rebalances.
Kafka Consumer Group Rebalance - Part 1 of 2
The role and impact of consumer group rebalances.
Kafka Producer Message Batching
Increase throughput by batching messages sent to the broker.
Kafka Producer Configuration
Key factors to consider when configuring the Kafka Producer.
Kafka Consumer Auto Offset Reset
Configuring from where in a topic partition a new consumer should first consume messages.
Kafka Transactions: Part 2 - Spring Boot Demo
Spring Boot application demonstrating exactly-once messaging with Kafka Transactions.
Kafka Transactions: Part 1 - Exactly-Once Messaging
Exploring using Kafka Transcations to achieve exactly-once messaging.
Kafka Idempotent Consumer With DynamoDB
Compare and contrast DynamoDB with RDMS as the deduplication backing store.
Kafka Unclean Leader Election
Trading off availability for durability with unclean leader election.
Kafka Producer Acks
Configuring Producer message acknowledgements trading off performance for durability.
Kafka Idempotent Consumer & Transactional Outbox
Kafka resiliency with the Idempotent Consumer pattern and the Transactional Outbox pattern utilising CDC.
Kafka Idempotent Producer
Utilising the Idempotent Producer to avoid duplicate messages.
Kafka Deduplication Patterns - Part 2 of 2
Analysing the effect of applying different deduplication patterns when processing Kafka messages.
Kafka Deduplication Patterns - Part 1 of 2
Analysing the effect of applying different deduplication patterns when processing Kafka messages.
Kafka Consumer Retry
Recovering from transient errors using stateless and stateful retry.
Kafka Client: Apache Kafka vs KafkaJS
Understanding the role and importance of the Kafka client library.
Schemaless Database Considerations
Schemaless database considerations and the impact on application code.
Build Only What You Need - Part 2 - Product Features
From a Product Team perspective we examine why teams deliver features that do not provide client value, and the costs incurred.
Build Only What You Need - Part 1 - Development
We review the reasons we try to add functionality beyond what is required, and the costs of doing this.
Testability Is An Architectural Choice
Consider testability when making technology decisions.
Should You Draw It? (Yes You Should!)
Good development starts before a single line of code is written.
Kafka SASL Authentication: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating how to configure and use the SASL authentication mechanism to connect to Kafka.
Authentication and Authorisation using OIDC and OAuth 2. Part 4: Using Spring Authorisation Server
Using the Spring Authorisation Server project to create a custom Authorisation Server
Authentication and Authorisation using OIDC and OAuth 2. Part 3: A Confidential Client
A concrete implementation of using OIDC and OAuth for security using a confidential client
Authentication and Authorisation using OIDC and OAuth 2. Part 2: A Public Client
A concrete implementation of using OIDC and OAuth for security using a public client
Authentication and Authorisation using OIDC and OAuth 2. Part 1: A Primer
An introduction into the world of Authentication and Authorisation
Securing Kafka with Mutual TLS and ACLs
Securing a Kafka installation using a combination of mutual TLS and ACLs.
Micronaut (3 of 6): Testing
In-depth guide to using Micronaut - part three demonstrates unit, integration and component testing the example Micronaut application
Micronaut (2 of 6): Demo Application
In-depth guide to using Micronaut - part two steps through an example Micronaut application written in Kotlin and Java
Micronaut (1 of 6): Framework Features
In-depth guide to using Micronaut - part one uncovers the main framework features
Lydtech Reference Projects
Lydtech's collection of reference projects available on our Github.
Three Key Principles For A Successful IT Project
Keep it simple, draw it out, test it early: three key principles that will contribute towards the success of an IT project.
Schemaless Database Considerations
Schemaless database considerations and the impact on application code.
Build Only What You Need - Part 2 - Product Features
From a Product Team perspective we examine why teams deliver features that do not provide client value, and the costs incurred.
Build Only What You Need - Part 1 - Development
We review the reasons we try to add functionality beyond what is required, and the costs of doing this.
The Hidden Cost of AWS Lambdas
Some observations on running PoC & early stage applications in AWS.
Flyway in Serverless Architectures
How to use Flyway in your serverless architectures.
Failover and Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j
Using the Resilience4j library for failover and circuit breaker.
Exploring JHipster
Building full-stack apps using JHipster.
Microbenchmarking with JMH
Using the JMH Microbenchmarking library for performance testing your code.
Application Logging & Alerting With Graylog (2 of 2): Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating application logging and alerting with Graylog using a Spring Boot application.
Application Logging & Alerting With Graylog (1 of 2): Introduction
An overview of application logging and alerting with Graylog.
Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 3: Alerting Demo
Demonstrating managing and raising alerts using Prometheus Alertmanager.
Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 2: Monitoring Demo
Demonstrating monitoring Kafka, Postgres, and a Spring Boot application using Prometheus and Grafana.
Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 1: Introduction
Setting up a monitoring and alerting stack consisting of Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 3: Spring Boot Demo
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 3 of 3): deploying a Spring Boot application to Kubernetes that consumes and produces events from Kafka.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 2: Deploying Kafka
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 2 of 3): stepping through the deployment of Kafka and Zookeeper to Kubernetes.
Kafka on Kubernetes - Part 1: Introduction to Kubernetes
Demonstrating Kafka on Kubernetes (Part 1 of 3): providing an introduction to Kubernetes, minikube and kubectl.
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