This fun little exercise walks us through deploying the Kafka Steams Windowing applications into a simple Kubernetes cluster. Once deployed in the cluster we can see these apps operating with data feeds, providing a great opportunity to observe and experiment.
Each window app that is deployed is covered in more detail in the article: Kafka Streams - Windowing Overview and the child articles
The system combines the windowing applications from the previous articles, and deploys them into a single cluster. The flow of events looks like this
The events are created in the Link Data event generator, and published to the link.status topic. Each windowing app consumes from the link.status topic, does whatever aggregation has been defined, and then publishes a final aggregation event to a topic specific to that app, e.g link.hopping is the output topic for the hopping window app. The use of separate topics isolates the events from the different apps so that we can more clearly see what each app is outputting.
All code can for this example can be found on github: Kafka Streams Windowing
We're aiming for simplest deployment we can to demonstrate the various windowing types working with data in a 'live' environment.
namespace - For isolation we will do all of this in a separate namespace, kafka-streams-windowing
nodes - We will run a cluster with a single node that will host the pods
pods - Each app will be deployed in its own pod (as a service). This includes pods for kafka and zookeeper
We will also use Minikube so that we can run all of this locally. I've written this on a Mac, but with the exception of the helper bash scripts later on, it should work wherever you are
Simple! so let's start.
All code can for this example can be found on github: Kafka Streams Windowing
Clone the repo, have a nosey around (It will make more sense if you've previously read the overview article
For the K8s we will use minikube. A download/install guide for MiniKube can be found here: MiniKube Download & Install Guide
minikube start
In a different terminal start the dashboard
minikube dashboard
Configure to use minikube internal docker as docker host. If your deployments are failing to find the correct docker images, there's a good chance you forgot this step... There's questionable wisdom in putting a reminder about forgetting this step in a comment above the step you may have forgotten... :)
minikube docker-env
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
Build the apps. Go to your checked out project and build with mvn.
mvn clean install
Then build the docker image which so that it’s installed in the minikube registry, instead of the local one.
The script
will build all the apps for you. If you wish to build the apps individually (or you're on a non-unix system), just copy the relevant command from within this script
The following scripts create the environment for us and deploy the stream apps.
kubectl apply -f k8s/00-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/01-zookeeper.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/02-kafka.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/04-link-data-generator-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/05-tumbling-window-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/06-hopping-window-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/07-sliding-window-app.yaml
The deployment will be in the kafka-streams-windowing namespace. Once the services have sorted themselves out and established connections, you should be able to see them all running via the minikube dashboard
What can we see? The link-data-generator logs contain the records being emitted
Each window-app has logs containing:
To view the logs, click on the ellipses (...) at the end of the pod entry in the list
Log onto the kafka pod where we can interact with kafka and consume topics.
The following command allows you to jump onto the container with a bash session. You need to find the pod name to do this.
kubectl -n kafka-streams-windowing exec -it <kafka-service pod name> -- /bin/bash
But, this command does the same as above, and discovers the kafka service pod name for you
kubectl -n kafka-streams-windowing exec -it $(kubectl get pods -n kafka-streams-windowing -o custom-columns="" | grep kafka-service) -- /bin/bash
note the nested kubectl command get the name of the kafka container to exec
/bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
consume the outputs via the topic
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic
e.g. kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic link.tumbling
Once you're finished you can either remove the deployment via the UI, or simply via the command line
kubectl delete namespace kafka-streams-windowing
The command will take a few moments as the contents of the namespace are being destroyed