Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 2: Monitoring Demo

Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana & Alertmanager - Part 2: Monitoring Demo


In this second part of the series on monitoring and alerting with Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager, the configuration required for Prometheus is covered. The monitoring demo is stepped through, with the Spring Boot application used to generate events that are written to Kafka, and writes to the database. The metrics being scraped by Prometheus are observed, and dashboards are configured in Grafana to surface the data.

This is section two of three parts in this series on monitoring and alerting:

The companion repository that contains all the configuration and resources to run the monitoring demo, along with the Spring Boot application itself, is available here.

Monitoring Configuration

Prometheus is configured via the prometheus.yml properties file. Each scrape target is defined, for example the Kafka exporter configuration is:

- job_name: kafka
   - targets: ['kafka-exporter:9308']

This file also contains a pointer to the alerting rules to use:

 - rules.yml

And the URL to reach Alertmanager:

   - static_configs:
       - targets: ['alertmanager:9093']

The rules.yml and alertmanager.yml configuration files are covered in a later section.

Monitoring Demo Walkthrough

Build Application

The Spring Boot application docker image should be built:

mvn clean install
docker build -t monitoring-demo-app .

This image will be used when the docker containers are started in the next step.

Start Containers

Docker compose is used to determine the containers to start. This uses the configuration specified in docker-compose.yml. This includes specifying which configuration files (prometheus.yml, alertmanager.yml, rules.yml) to mount on which containers. The Spring Boot application, Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafka exporter, Postgres, Postgres exporter, Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager docker containers are started with:

docker-compose up -d

The containers can then be observed to be running, for example via Docker Desktop:

Figure 1: Docker containers running

Figure 1: Docker containers running


The exported targets, as configured in prometheus.yml, can now be viewed in Prometheus:

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:9090
  2. Select the 'Status' dropdown and then 'Targets'.
Figure 2: Prometheus scrape targets

Figure 2: Prometheus scrape targets

The raw metrics can be observed by clicking on the target links, although note that the host name needs to be changed to localhost. Note too that Prometheus itself has also been set up as a scrape target, so its health and performance can be monitored.


Grafana must be configured to point to the Prometheus data source:

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000
  2. Login with the default credentials that have autocompleted.
  3. Go to 'Connections' / 'Data sources' / 'Add data source' - select 'Prometheus'.
  4. Enter the Prometheus URL: 'http://prometheus:9090' as the Connection URL.
  5. Click 'Save & test'.

Example dashboards that provide charts and graphs showing key metric data for the different resources can be downloaded from the Grafana website and imported into the tool.

Import example Kafka dashboard:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download JSON. (Also available in this project at ./dashboards/kafka_7589_rev5.json).
  3. Under 'Dashboards' select 'Create Dashboard' / 'Import dashboard'.
  4. Select 'prometheus' as the datasource and import.

Import example Postgres dashboard:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download JSON. (Also available at ./dashboards/postgres_9628_rev7.json)
  3. Import as above.

Import example Alertmanager dashboard:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download JSON. (Also available at ./dashboards/alertmanager_9578_rev4.json)
  3. Import as above.

Import example Spring Boot application dashboard:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download JSON. (Also available at ./dashboards/springboot_19004_rev1.json)
  3. Import as above.

Generate Metrics

Call the REST endpoint provided on the Spring Boot application to trigger sending events, specifying the period to send events for, and the delay in milliseconds between each send:

curl -v -d '{"periodToSendSeconds":60, "delayMilliseconds":100}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9001/v1/trigger

Note that the application's Kafka producer has a configuration value of 3 milliseconds, so applying a delay shorter than this will result in batches of events being produced.

View Metrics

Navigate to the imported dashboards to view the state of the components in the system.

The Spring Boot dashboard surfaces metrics on CPU, memory, garbage collection, as well as REST request/response times and database connections.

Figure 3: Spring Boot application metrics

Figure 3: Spring Boot application metrics

The Kafka dashboard provides an overview of message consumption rates, including consumer group lag.

Figure 4: Kafka metrics

Figure 4: Kafka metrics

The Postgres dashboard visualises detailed metrics on aspects from CPU and memory usage to query sizes, locks and sessions.

Figure 5: Postgres metrics

Figure 5: Postgres metrics

The Prometheus dashboard provides an insight into its health, CPU and memory usage, the number of errors or failures reported, and metrics on the scraping that it is performing.

Figure 6: Prometheus metrics

Figure 6: Prometheus metrics


Prometheus scrapes metrics from target resources storing it as time series data. This is then queried by Grafana and surfaced in graphs and charts in dashboards. This second part of the monitoring and alerting article stepped through the demo showing this in action. It utilised the companion Spring Boot application to generate traffic that allowed the resultant metrics from the resources in the system, including Kafka and Postgres, to be monitored. In the third part of the series rules will be configured that will result in alerts being raised by Alertmanager.

Source Code

The source code for the accompanying monitoring demo application is available here:

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