The Client
Is a leader in global payments connecting customers and financial institutions around the globe
The Challenge
The client wanted a paradigm shift in the B2B landscape, with the goals of cutting complexity and risk, and reducing the costs of how businesses make and receive payments. Developing a new B2B payments service, which would bring together their clients over a trusted network of verified suppliers and buyers, a network that offers increased levels of transparency and certainty - issues which have long caused much concern to businesses.
The system would handle money transfer consolidating payment methods and eliminate the inefficient processes and multiple varying point-of-origin payment systems.
They needed a team capable of implementing ACH payments and providing both a client and supplier experience to help achieve their strategic milestonesExperienced Agile and Test Driven Approach
Working in parallel with the client’s engineering team we created light weight simulators based on the API specifications. Simulators offer lightweight and flexible alternatives to the real implementations, making them ideal for development and exercising failure scenarios.
The use of simulators facilitated parallelising development. Utilising these simulators in our pipelines and demonstrations enabled the teams to seamlessly integrate throughout the iterations and kept both teams aligned when changes to requirements were encountered.
The Lydtech team worked closely with the client on the design of the buyer and a supplier integration. This close collaboration on the design and implementations allowed the client to enhance their implementation and take advantage of the team’s payments experience
Payments Expertise
The Lydtech team were the perfect choice for creating the ACH payment integration. The solution function required a bespoke ACH integration. The team’s experience of ACH, their detailed understanding of the standard, and their awareness of timing windows, meant that the ACH component was rapidly produced and successfully integrated, comfortably in-advance of any live demonstrations.
The Outcomes
Robust & Resilient Transactional Services
Microservices communications offer many possibilities. We have implemented highly scalable solutions and resilient solutions using messaging components such as Apache Kafka.
CI/CD Code -> Live Payments
The goal of the commercial team was to achieve a live payment via their new system. Leveraging our experience of CI/CD we created a parallel live environment with live payments rails to allow frequent deployment of our Microservices. This served as a live demonstration tool of project progress, and provided the client with high levels of confidence that the project was on target
First Live Payment
The first live payments were performed by the Client and the services created by the Lydtech Team members. Early validation and adjustment of the product based on client integration. Suppliers seeing a reduction in late payments. Now Live